Tech Beastz

Relevant ads increase the purchase intent by 14% depending on the context - Tech Beastz

Relevant ads increase the purchase intent by 14% depending on the context - Tech Beastz

According to the latest results from the Integral Ad Science study, contextually relevant ads deliver significantly better results and improve brand compatibility and customer buying intent.

In collaboration with i-tracking firm Tobii, a digital media expert examined how display ads work in and out of context.

The findings show that contextual targeting strategies attract more customer attention.

Contextual advertising was the first-page element noticed by consumers.

It takes an average of just 4 seconds for customers to notice contextual ads, while it takes 10 seconds for non-contextual ads to notice.

Purchasing intent was 14% higher among contextual ad viewers and brand favorites increased 5% compared to non-contextual ad viewers.

“With a cookie-free future on the horizon, marketers are looking for options to maintain and improve their advertising ROI. Our new report shows that contextually relevant ad placements can have a significant impact on desired outcomes, with the potential to impact audience memory and overall response, ”said Tony Marlowe, CMO, IAS. “Brands have a great opportunity to use tools like IAS reference control to increase the power of their campaigns and impact the bottom line.”

The study also found that contextual ads were more memorable and increased brand recall and awareness among consumers.

Consumers were 4 times more likely to remember the brand after seeing contextual advertising.

The ads were also considered more interesting and easier to read.

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