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Musk says he's considering letting Tesla advertise to eliminate media bias - The Verge

Musk says he's considering letting Tesla advertise to eliminate media bias - The Verge

On the morning of June 23, Beijing time, Elon Musk reportedly said he was considering letting Tesla advertise, which runs counter to the company's current marketing policies.Musk thinksThe media is biased against Tesla, and he wants to eliminate that bias with advertising.

these years,Tesla CEO Elon Musk makes it clear he despises advertisingHe said Tesla won't pay or offer discounts for celebrities to drive its cars, and automakers won't pay for advertising, although there have been exceptions before.

Instead, Musk said Tesla will use the money other automakers spend on advertising to improve their products. His exact words were: "Tesla doesn't advertise and doesn't pay for spokespersons. Instead, we use the money to make the product better."

Musk even claimed,The mainstream media didn't like him, nor did they like Tesla, because the company doesn't buy ads from the media.

And now, Musk said in a new interview that Tesla may start advertising to combat this bias in the media. "Maybe we should advertise," he said, "and the traditional media doesn't have negative coverage about cars because cars are one of the biggest advertisers in the paper, maybe even the biggest. Tesla basically doesn't have that, "He says. Budget. Suffice it to say, if they put out a negative article about GM next to a GM ad, GM's head of marketing would call them and ask, 'Why are you doing this? We will not appear in your publications next year. There will be any expenses. '"

Tesla could start advertising to remove bias, Musk said, but that's not a priority right now because their demand is currently strong and far exceeds their capabilities.

Musk may not be wrong, the lack of advertising budget is indeed part of the reason why Tesla is not popular in the media, but there are many other factors at play.

First and foremost, Musk tends to lump all negative coverage into one category: All negative news comes from people with ulterior motives for him or Tesla. That's a problem because there are real concerns about Tesla and Musk's behavior, and it really deserves the negative press. This should not be forgotten.

If Musk wants to better cover Tesla, he should start by building a new PR team. A strong PR team will help correct reporting and improve media coverage of accurate Tesla information. While the PR team will never be perfect, it will definitely be better than it is now. Tesla used to have a PR team before, but that team was understaffed to perform as it should. This approach is more helpful than ad spend, which alone is not enough if your real goal is to reduce negative coverage.

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