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More than 20 free courses offered by universities around the world - Tech Beastz

More than 20 free courses offered by universities around the world - Tech Beastz

There are many reasons why taking a free online course can be beneficial. For one thing, it can help people save money on expensive tuition fever.

Second, it can give people the opportunity to learn new content at their own pace.

Third, free online courses may offer a more flexible learning schedule for those with busy work or family commitments.

Lastly, online learning can help you improve your perspective and understanding of the world.

If you are one of those people who wants to learn something new in your spare time, the internet is full of online courses in all areas of specialization.

Some are offered by the best universities in the world and for free, although most are in English only and it is customary to obtain an official certificate.

There are more than 20 courses available at five prestigious centers on various subjects like business, mathematics and parenting.

How do I get a course?

Courses conducted on stage Corsera Are free by the option of Audit But they do not have a certificate of completion. Courses on the edX platform are also free and similarly you cannot issue a certificate without paying the relevant fee.

They are also free when on the Udemy platform, but do not include a certificate and have a maximum content limit of 2 hours.

More than 20 free courses offered by universities around the world

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

# 1 in QS / # 5 in THE

Entrepreneurship 101: Who is your customer?

  • Area: Communication
  • Duration: 8 weeks

Entrepreneurship 102: What can you do for your client?

  • Area: Business and Administration
  • Duration: 6 weeks

Stanford University

# 2 in QS / # 4 in THE

Machine learning

  • Area: Data Science
  • Duration: 11 weeks

How to learn math: For students

  • Area: Mathematics
  • Duration: 10 weeks

Short course on breastfeeding

  • Area: Patient care
  • Duration: 1 week

Introduction to food and health

  • Area: Nutrition
  • Duration: 5 weeks

Introduction to logic

  • Areas: Mathematics and Logic
  • Duration: 10 weeks

Forest inspection with CLASlite

  • Area: Energy and Earth Sciences
  • Duration: 1 week

Children’s nutrition and cooking

  • Area: Nutrition
  • Duration: 5 weeks

Health on the gender spectrum

  • Area: Public Health
  • Duration: 1 week

Princeton University

# 6 in THE / # 13 in QS

Effective philanthropy

  • Area: Philosophy
  • Duration: 6 weeks

Yale University

# 8 in THE / # 17 in QS

Roman architecture

  • Area: History
  • Duration: 9 weeks

Age of the cathedral

  • Area: History
  • Duration: 9 weeks

The moral foundation of politics

  • Area: Governance and Society
  • Duration: 8 weeks

Introduction to classical music

  • Area: Music and Art
  • Duration: 9 weeks

Introduction to Psychology

  • Field: Psychology
  • Duration: 6 weeks

The science of wellness

  • Area: Personal Development
  • Duration: 10 weeks

Financial markets

  • Sector: Finance
  • Duration: 7 weeks

Ethics in daily life

  • Field: Psychology
  • Duration: 6 weeks

Daily Parenting: The ABC of Parenting

  • Field: Psychology
  • Duration: 4 weeks

A Journey Through Western Christianity: From Persecuted Faith to Global Religion (200-1650)

  • Area: History
  • Duration: 11 weeks

Imperial School of London

# 9 in QS / # 10 in THE

Mathematics for Machine Learning: Multivariate Calculus

  • Areas: Mathematics and Logic
  • Duration: 6 weeks

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Tech Beastz is a website that aims to support the education and training of young and old. Finding and classifying free educational resources on the Internet, Tech Beastz thus helps everyone to continue learning.

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