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[STM32 드론 개발의 모든 것] 0-2. Introduction of the course contents and CubeIDE installation

[STM32 드론 개발의 모든 것] 0-2. Introduction of the course contents and CubeIDE installation

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M-HIVE “Everything about STM32 drone development starting from the bottom” ☆★ 5 out of 5 points (as of 22.10.) ☆★ ☆★ Free as of September 22nd ☆★ ☆★ Actual classes Review ☆★ ☆★ Lecture MH -Buy FC V2.2 (required) ☆★ ☆★ Lesson drone parts purchase list ☆★ ☆ ★ Download source code for lecture ☆★ ☆★ Mhive Naver Cafe ☆★ / This video introduces “0-2. Introduction to lecture contents and CubeIDE installation” – Download and installation of STM32CubeIDE, a development tool – Introduction to the sequence and contents of the course. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​From the next time, FC development begins in earnest. Thank you for your interest 🙂 “Everything about STM32 drone development from the ground up” course is the only course to develop the FCC flight control system of the STM32F4 high-performance self-made drone using the free compiler STM32CubeIDE from start to finish. Without using drone open sources such as ArduPilot or Pixhawk, everything from sensor interface to PID control is directly implemented, so you can experience and learn all the development processes of drone control systems and embedded systems. Therefore, it can be applied for research and industrial purposes beyond simple educational drones. In addition, it can be applied not only to drones but also to all moving unmanned vehicles, so it can be applied to systems such as unmanned vehicles! In order to make it easy for beginners and non-majors to follow, the class will explain all the source codes and hardware assembly methods slowly. If you follow the lecture slowly, you will be able to develop your own high-performance flight control system that enables stable flight. The lecture consists of 3 parts and 12 chapters. In Part 1, the basics of FC (Flight Controller) – CH1. Build a debug environment for embedded system development – CH2. Sensor interface (BNO080 9-axis sensor, ICM-20602 6-axis sensor, LPS22HH barometric pressure sensor) – CH3. GPS data reception and parsing (M8N) – CH4. Receiver data reception (FS-i6 transmitter, FS-iA6B receiver) – CH5. Aircraft Settings (QAV210) – CH6. In motor drive (Oneshot125 PWM) part 2, communication and additional functions – CH7. Additional functions (EEPROM, battery voltage check, gyro offset removal, BNO080 calibration) – CH8. Wireless data transmission/reception (aircraft status information transmission and control parameter reception, how to use GCS for lectures) – CH9. Safety functions (Functions for safety such as fail-safe) In Part 3, flight control (PID Control) – CH10. PID control ready – CH11. Roll, pitch control (double PID) – CH12. It proceeds in the order of heading control (single PID). The STM32F405RGT Cortex M4 microcontroller is used as the main processor, and the BNO080 9-axis sensor for posture control, the ICM-20602 6-axis sensor and the LPS22HH barometric pressure sensor for altitude control are used. It also covers receiving UBLOX M8N GPS data for outdoor autonomous flight. (However, altitude control and GPS control are not covered in this lecture) The purpose of this course is to develop a high-performance drone, but it covers the development process in more depth. It covers everything from sensor data interface, the most basic step for drone flight, to PID control for attitude control. The process for developing embedded applications will be intensively explained, and they will be combined to complete the drone flight control system. We will always do our best to provide useful video lectures. – M-HIVE ChrisP – MH-FC V2.2 FC made by M-HIVE is absolutely necessary to listen to this lecture!! – All parts other than FC must be purchased by yourself. (Caution: If the parts are different, it may not work according to the lecture!) – Please check the Mhive Naver Cafe for other notices. I recommend these people! – Those who want to develop one by one from the basics of high-performance drones to flight control – Those who want to develop in-depth application programs using STM32 – Students majoring in electronics, communication, control, machinery, aviation, etc. – Workers related to drones – Embedded system development Those who want to experience the process – Those who want to move from Arduino or 8-bit MCU to 32-bit MCU – Those who want to learn the basic concept of PID control and implement the operation themselves – Those who want to practice high-level embedded projects – Drone-related research institutes and Educational institutions – Those who are working on projects related to unmanned vehicles Do you need player knowledge? – The MH-FC V2.2 Flight Controller used in this course is required!! (Cannot proceed without it!! You can purchase it at the M-HIVE Smart Store) – Drone components (BLDC motor, ESC, propeller, frame, battery, etc. Must check the list at M-HIVE Naver Cafe) – Windows PC and STM32CubeIDE – C language Intermediate or higher required – Basic circuit knowledge required – STM32F4 or microcontroller (MCU) development experience required

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