Tech Beastz

Carbon, Capital, and the Cloud Teaser #2: The Hedgehog Manager

Carbon, Capital, and the Cloud Teaser #2: The Hedgehog Manager

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Enjoy this little video extract from my latest book ‘Carbon, Capital, and the Cloud’, concerning the Hedgehog, a well-intentioned but troublesome type of manager in #oil and #gas — at the first sign of change, they curl up into a ball with all their objections pointing out.

“One kind of change resister reminds me of the hedgehog, the cute garden critter common to the English countryside. I call change resistant individuals hedgehogs because at the first sign of change, they curl in balls with their objections pointing out, making it hard to engage. A common beach defense to block tanks during war is also called a hedgehog. It’s made of steel, designed to be immovable, features lots of sharp pointy edges, and does a lot of damage if you confront it head on.

“In management there are a lot of hedgehogs. Hedgehogs say things like, “This won’t work in oil and gas,” or “We can do this cheaper manually,” or “We are too regulated, too fragmented, too business-to-business,” or “Our operations are 24/ 7 and can’t be taken offline except in turnarounds or emergencies.” Heather Wilcott describes it as “The Yeah But syndrome. ‘Yeah, I could do what you are asking, but what about…?’”


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