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You are more likely to be friends with someone who smells like you

You are more likely to be friends with someone who smells like you

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— look at the studio/

Recent experiments by Israeli researchers have shown that people with similar body odors are more likely to immediately hook up and become friends.

reveal experience

When we meet someone for the first time, sometimes we feel a strange sense of intimacy.Previous research has shown that humans tend to sniff out unconsciously (e.g. hands up to nose after shaking hands), Inbal Lafreby and his colleaguesWeizmann Institute wonder if this phenomenon is related to our appreciate.

In the context of work published in journals scientific progressThe scientists recruited 20 pairs of same-sex friends (50% male and 50% female) who said they hit it off from the first meeting.

A device capable of distinguishing between the different chemical components of smells, an electronic nose was used to analyze the T-shirts each participant was wearing.The device revealed Mature friends have more similar body odors than those trained randomly by mixing participants. This was confirmed in a later experiment in which an independent group of 25 subjects was asked to smell the same textiles.

— Asil Romero/

The team then recruited 17 people they had never met and used an electronic nose to analyze their body odor. Subjects were asked to take turns playing the game with other participants of the same gender, but were not able to communicate verbally. Afterwards, pairs with similar scent profiles were more likely to report feeling close while playing.

“Other mammals also use scent to decide who is friend or foe”

Since previous research has shown that we tend to be friends with people of the same age, race, education, religion, appearance, character and values, these results are logical. “,Pay attention to Loveby.” Know that other mammals also use scent to decide who is friend or foe, such as dogs sniffing each other’s butts when they meet in the park. »

When it comes to relationships, heterosexuals seem to be attracted to the opposite sex that smells different from their own. Thus, one study suggests that women are more attracted to men whose body odor is associated with different immune traits, which may lead to healthier offspring.

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