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Udemy Gratis: Selenium 4.0 - Facials

Udemy Gratis: Selenium 4.0 - Facials

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Learn how to implement Observable with Selenium

With the increase in importance of non-functional tests, it has become imperative that developed systems are observable. Being observable means providing external evidence, using which one is able to understand the internal state of a system working.

With the release of Selenium 4, overview is now an integral part of the tool. This allows Selenium to be integrated using Open Telemetry for tools such as Jaeger to understand and log the information of the web application under test.

To understand this, we have used a gcp machine on which we invoke selenium grid using docker. We use Open Telemetry with the tool Jagger to watch the system as various commands run the web application.

This course provides practical experience for setting up a laboratory on the go, and with the use of direct commands, provided one is able to implement observation on their own system.

The course provides step-by-step instruction.

The course was entered as part of the Global Testing Conference 6th Edition brought to you by the Agile Testing Alliance.

The course was the keynote speaker delivered by Aditya Garg.

The following topics are covered in this course series –

1. Importance of Traceability in Selenium Grid and Distributed Architecture

2. Understanding the Observability Components in Selenium 4.0 and Installing Corsair

3. Setting up GCP Machine with Docker

4. Opening Required Ports

5. Running Jaeger on the GCP Machine

6. Setting up Traceability in SeleniumGrid 4.0

Executing tests and observing traces

Free Udemy: Selenium 4.0

Learn how to implement Observation with Selenium »

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