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Udemy Free in Spanish: Future of Work: Will you be in or out of the game?

Udemy Free in Spanish: Future of Work: Will you be in or out of the game?

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Digital transformation: will it kick you out of the game? Or will you be a star? Shall we find out? Personal session included!


Welcome and welcome to the course: The future of work: will you be in or out of the game?

I’m Paulina, let’s take a look at the future of work, and see if what you’re doing or reading today is doomed to disappear, is about to be transformed, or if you’re on the right track! What are the roles and qualifications that are needed in the future?

our agenda

  1. presentation. Presentation Paulina Coronel Cardona and Course Presentation

  2. Definition and context. What is a mega-trend?

  3. Automation and reassignment of tasks. Humans vs Machines 2020 – 2025

  4. Skills and emerging roles. 2025 Skills and emerging roles for the work of tomorrow.

  5. Bonus Track: Facts & Data work for a living? Or live to work? let’s watch! // In those jobs of the future… where are we women? // International Certificate for Social Impact and Power // Competencies

More than certainty, I would prefer to leave you with a doubt, facing our new world order and a VUCA world, we must adapt more and more to change.

Final reflection: it is not the strongest species to survive, nor the fastest, nor the most intelligent; But those that do better adapt to change. Charles Darwin


For the first 10 people to complete the course:

Once the course is complete, we’ll schedule a call to give you a personalized suggestion on the future of your work!

Thank you so much for participating!!

A hug from my dear Cartagena,


Paulina Beatriz Coronel Cardona

Udemy Free in Spanish: Future of Work: Will you be in or out of the game?

Digital transformation: will it kick you out of the game? Or will you be a star? Shall we find out? Personal session included!»

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