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Udemy Coupon: Microservices Interview Prep Course 100% Discount Limited Time - Tech Beastz

Udemy Coupon: Microservices Interview Prep Course 100% Discount Limited Time - Tech Beastz

Learn about the different components and design patterns used in microservices architecture with real world examples

In this course, you will learn everything about microservices architecture with real world examples and usage cases.

This course will help you understand how microservices architecture differs from microservices architecture and traditional monolithic architecture.

This course will help you prepare for your Microservices interview early.

The following topics will be covered in this course:

1. What is microservices architecture and how is it different from monolithic architecture

2. What are the different components of a microservices architecture

3. What are the various microservices patterns like API Gateway, Central Configuration, Service Discovery, Circuit Breaker, Message Broker, Session Handling etc., you will learn each design pattern with real-world use case.

4. How to do inter-service communication between different microservices components.

5. What are the different rest clients that will help you make calls from one microservice to another?

6. Which rest client to use when and its advantages and disadvantages

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using microservices architecture

8. Advantages and disadvantages of using microservices architecture

9. Cover all concepts with real world examples and situations

10. We will also look at the different components of microservices architecture and the strong evidence of the future, what each component contributes to the development of microservices architecture.

Udemy Coupon: Microservices Interview Prep Course 100% Discount Limited Time

Learn the different components and design patterns used in microservices architecture with real world examples

This course is free. You will find the coupon below.

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These types of coupons last very few hours, and even minutes after publication.

Only 1,000 coupons are now available due to the Udemy update, we are not responsible if the coupon has already expired.

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