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Udemy Coupon: Ionic Tutorials - Create Android and Web Apps with Ionic 100% Discount for a Limited Time - Tech Beastz

Udemy Coupon: Ionic Tutorials - Create Android and Web Apps with Ionic 100% Discount for a Limited Time - Tech Beastz

Learn about Ionic’s basic building blocks, integration with angular frameworks and build hybrid mobile applications.

Ionic is an open-source framework used for the development of mobile-based applications. It provides us with a list of services and various tools needed to create a mobile user interface with original feel and similar look. The ionic framework must have a native wrapper interface that enables it to run ionic applications on mobile devices. Furthermore, it can be identified as a front-end based HTML framework that includes many front-end languages, and so it is built on possibly the best front-end frameworks, AngularJS and Cordova. It is an HTML5 based mobile application development framework aimed at building mobile-based hybrid apps. Ionic can be thought of as a front-end UI framework used to handle basic formats and experiences, and a user interface-based interface needed to make the app attractive. It is somewhat like Bootstrap for Native applications designed to support a wide range of common and basic native mobile-based components, beautiful design and sleek animation.

Features will include the AngularJS based model view controller architecture to build and maintain rich SPAs also known as single page applications that are specifically optimized for devices and mobile-based devices. Other features will include CSS components that come with the original format and experience and are used to provide all the components that are typically required for a mobile-based web application. The default style of the elements can be easily overridden which can fit into their design. JavaScript elements expand CSS component capabilities and extend their capabilities to cover Javascript related functions and mobile components that cannot be done with HTML and CSS alone. Other features include corresponding to the Cordova plugin that offers APIs related to the use of mobile-based native device functions with JavaScript code. Ionic CLI is a NodeJS based utility supported by various commands required for building, starting, running as well as simulating ionic applications. Views is a very useful platform needed for native devices to share, upload and test your applications. It is published under the MIT license.

You will learn skills related to mobile app development, web components and website app development. You will also learn details and information about front end technology like HTML, CSS, angularJS or other frameworks that are mainly related to front end technology. You will also learn about NodeJS and other feedback and backbone based JavaScripting frameworks. In addition, you’ll learn how to work with and use CLI-based applications. You’ll also learn about interactions with APIs, themes, and other resources that are an essential and integral part of a UI component library.

Udemy Coupon: Ionic Tutorials - Create Android and Web Apps with Ionic 100% Discount for a Limited Time

Learn about Ionic’s basic building blocks, integration with Angular Framework, and building hybrid mobile applications.

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