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The 6,000-yuan Pixel 6 Pro has a worse signal than the iPhone, and was criticized for not being able to access the Internet - Android, smartphones, Pixel 6 Pro

The 6,000-yuan Pixel 6 Pro has a worse signal than the iPhone, and was criticized for not being able to access the Internet - Android, smartphones, Pixel 6 Pro

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The 6,000 yuan Pixel 6 Pro has a worse signal than the iPhone, and was approved for being unable to access the Internet

Today’s smartphones have more and more functions, but the most basic is the Internet. If the signal is bad, it will drive people crazy. In the past, iPhones have been complained about poor signal. Now it turns out that Google’s son, the Pixel 6 Pro, is even worse, at over $6,000. The king of machines often fails to connect to the internet.

The Androidauthority website recently criticized the Pixel 6 Pro, especially for signal issues.The editor directly said that this is the worst connection of all mobile phones he has ever experienced,He used phones from the Pixel 2 to Pixel 5 series as workhorses, but rolled over on the Pixel 6 Pro.

Problems with poor signal on the Pixel 6 Pro include not being able to find an LTE network after leaving Wi-Fi for a few minutes, not being able to find a signal after leaving a subway station,Even if the airplane mode is turned on and then canceled, the signal cannot be found, which is a situation that other mobile phones do not have.

Judging from the complaints, the main signal problem with the Pixel 6 Pro is the switching between Wi-Fi and LTE signals. The reason the original author still works is because he spends most of his time at home on Wi-Fi.

The Pixel 6 Pro is Google’s flagship phone this year, starting at $899, or about 6,000 yuan. However, it has been criticized since its launch, and it is not the first time that the signal problem has been criticized by the media.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: XianruiArticle error correction

tags:smartphoneAndroidPixel 6 Pro

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