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Get 4 free courses in English here to learn how to develop Android applications - Tech Beastz

Get 4 free courses in English here to learn how to develop Android applications - Tech Beastz

Android Application Development is a process in which mobile applications are developed for devices running the Android operating system.

Android apps are written with the help of languages ​​like Java, Kotlin and C ++ with the Android Software Development Kit (SDK).

Currently, Android dominates the entire mobile app industry and has the largest share with a wide range of clients around the world.

Free course to learn how to develop Android apps

Below, you’ll find a list of courses that will help you develop your first Android application and become an expert in the field.

Courses are free on the Corsera platform and are in English or, where appropriate, with subtitles. Start learning and start your way in the development of Android applications.

How do I get a course?

This course is offered from the Coursera platform, it is a course that you can get for free in certain conditions.

The first option is to select “Free Certificate Free Course”This way you will be able to access and complete the course content, but you will not be able to obtain a certificate of completion approved by the platform.

The second option is to choose “Audit Course”, With this option you will be able to access the video content of the course, but you will not be able to take the exam or get a certificate of completion. If you do not see the option to audit the course, you should check the bottom using scroll (in the form of a link).

Options vary by course, but with one of the two you will be able to access the content for free.

As if that weren’t enough, some courses have the option of financial aid, through which you can request support and become a borrower of a paid course.

Get 4 free courses in English here to learn how to develop Android applications

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Programming with Java for Android applications

Learn the best of Java for Android development! Find out what you need to build your mobile applications in a simple, objective and practical way.

Throughout the course, you will see several examples for creating your first Hello World and you will practice object-oriented programming.

Use this to go to the course Link.

Android Basics

With practical exercises, you will be able to modify the tools that Android offers you to develop mobile applications.

In this course offered by UNAM, you will install the Android Studio development environment and handle the most sophisticated features. For example, the most common patterns for composing files in an Android project and developing your application.

You also know all the options to emulate you, including Android virtual devices, their operation and configuration. Also, you’ll be able to identify the special tools that Android Studio has for your mobile application. Using Material Design for Android, you can make your application the way you always wanted it to be.

In addition, you will know the best layout methods for your applications, if you do not have mockup, do not code.

Use this to go to the course Link.

Development of advanced applications with Android

In this course the subjects seen in the previous courses are taken again. They complement the practicalities of how to apply maps to your projects with the Google Maps API.

Also, it shows you how to take advantage of Android’s multitask and create 2D animations to bring your apps to more devices like wearables, televisions and cars.

After this course, you will be able to upload your application to Google Play Store and make yourself visible to the whole world.

Use this to go to the course Link.

The ultimate project – creating professional applications with Android

It’s time to create your own business app!

In this course, you will not only have to develop your mobile application, but it will also help improve your city, your country or the world. To achieve this, you will go back to what you learned in the whole special program, you will use advanced Android devices and of course, your creativity is required.

Get ready to become a professional app developer.

Use this to go to the course Link.

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