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French Post announces next year's launch of 'digital stamps', replacing paper stamps with digital codes

French Post announces next year's launch of 'digital stamps', replacing paper stamps with digital codes

IT House July 4 news, the French postal service announced last week that it will launch “digital stamps” in 2023, which will replace traditional paper stamps with a string of digital codes. Items weighing up to 20 grams can go through the French Post. App purchases.

“It’s very simple for the user,” French Post OfficeDirector-General Nathalie Collin explained that the digital stamp will be a light-mail ‘green’ stamp that can replace the current stamp system.

In simple terms, users can buy this “digital stamp” on the French Post App, and after paying, they will get an 8-digit one-time code consisting of numbers and letters, and then the user needs to write it on the envelope with a pen. Predominant.

Poste France added that the codes must be “sufficiently different from each other to tolerate minor reading errors and minimize the risk of fraud”.

The company said it made a one-time investment of 800 million euros in France Post between now and 2025 to “modernize its omnichannel network”.

Poste France said it would first roll out the service in an “experimental phase”. The option is said to allow users to “put a ‘seal’ on letters at any time of the day or night, any time, any time”.

Officials said the system, due to be rolled out in 2023, could deliver letters weighing up to 20 grams within France. France Post also plans to invest “500 million euros in refurbishment of post offices and 300 million euros in digital transformation”. IT House understands that officials say all post offices will be refurbished by 2027.

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