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Free PDF of Computing Fundamentals

Free PDF of Computing Fundamentals

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The following free book is for everyone interested in learning about computing.

About the book (by the author)

Foundations of Computation is a free textbook for a one-semester course in Theoretical Computing.

It has been used for many years in the curricula of Hobart and William Smith universities. The course does not contain anything other than introductory computer programming.

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The first half of the course includes material on logic, sets and functions often taught in a discrete mathematics course.

The second part covers material on automata, formal languages, and grammar commonly found in higher-level courses in theoretical computer science.

Table of Contents

  1. argument and proof
  2. Sets, Functions and Relations
  3. Regular Expression and FSA
  4. Grammer
  5. Turing machines and computability

data sheet

year: 2011

Editor: self editing

Language: English

Shape: 1710 KB

License: pending review

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