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Apple's toaster on hold (PCGH-Retro, July 3)

Apple's toaster on hold (PCGH-Retro, July 3)

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Apple’s toaster was put on hold – this happened on July 3rd. Every day, PC Games Hardware dares to look back at the young but eventful history of computing.

…2001: It’s all about Apple’s new design: the Power Mac G4 Cube. The entire hardware of the Apple computer is contained in a compact acrylic cube, cooled entirely by natural chimney effect (convection) without a fan – well thought out, incredibly small, refreshing, and technically very powerful. The calculator has won many awards for its design and was even found in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. After the success of the Imac and other Apple products that came under Steve Jobs’ second management, many expected another success — but the Cube failed: it was more expensive than other G4 Macs, barely scalable, and initially had to be There’s no CD burner to get by; Apple stock depreciates without even selling 150,000 copies. So the Cube came to an end less than a year after its launch on July 19, 2000: on July 3, 2001, Apple laid out the Cube on ice.


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