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Udemy Coupon: PHP for beginners | PDO Crash Course 2022 with 100% discount for a limited time - Tech Beastz

Udemy Coupon: PHP for beginners | PDO Crash Course 2022 with 100% discount for a limited time - Tech Beastz

Learn PDO with MySQL with this Ultimate PHP PDO Crash Course and create a Basic Task List

Get ready for the best learning experience you can get with this PHP PDO course.

In this course, I did everything for you and fully explained the PDO, from the basics of how to connect to a database more securely and efficiently, to the advanced concepts of using those transactions.

So why choose this course from the rest of the courses on the same subject? Well, I’m sure you fully understand everything in detail, and in creating this course I used a lot of ways with complete documentation to bring you the best and the best content.

Let me show you what you are actually going to learn:

– Connect securely to your chosen database with PDO and of course support a wide range of PDO databases

– Catching errors while connecting to your database

– Draw data with the most popular PDO methods like (query, fetch, fetch, fetchcolum) and modify it to your liking.

– Secure database access with ready-made statements that prevent SQL injections

– Using fancy and sophisticated methods to add more security and effectiveness to your code with transactions

-Easy to end the connection of your database easily and simply

-Build an app with normal backend functionality using what you learned

And much more. Don’t believe me? Just look inside

Udemy Coupon: PHP for beginners |  PDO Crash Course 2022 with 100% discount for a limited time

Learn PDO with MySQL and create a basic to-do list with this Ultimate PHP PDO Crash Course

This course is free. You will find the coupon below.

Note that these types of coupons last very short.

If the coupon has already expired, you can purchase the course as usual.

These types of coupons last very few hours, and even minutes after publication.

Due to the Udemy update there are now only 1,000 coupons available, we are not responsible if the coupon has already expired.

Use the button below to get the course with your coupon:

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