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Udemy Coupon: JavaScript and jQuery - 100% Discount for Beginner Certification Courses Limited Time - Tech Beastz

Udemy Coupon: JavaScript and jQuery - 100% Discount for Beginner Certification Courses Limited Time - Tech Beastz

Add animated, dynamic, client-side functionality to your web pages using JavaScript and jQuery

Welcome to JavaScript and jQuery – Certificate Course for beginners

This course offers a comprehensive guide to the basics of coding using JavaScript and jQuery. These powerful languages ​​can be used to add animated, dynamic client-side functionality to any web page.

The JavaScript section of the course takes students on a journey that begins with the basics. This includes JavaScript placements and embedding external JavaScript code. From there, we go into variable declaration and operator for arithmetic. We also look at the sequence of operations and the different data types. Students then move on to more advanced subjects such as:

  • JavaScript objects

  • Array and array attributes

  • Conditional statements

  • JavaScript comparisons and bullions

  • JavaScript loops, functions and events

The second section of the course gives an in-depth look at jQuery. This is where students can take their development skills to the next level by interacting with static elements. We start with basic concepts like jQuery embedding and various selectors. Then we explore jQuery events, animations, complex functions and more.

What will you learn?

  • JavaScript placements

  • JavaScript output

  • JavaScript variables

  • JavaScript assignments and arithmetic operations

  • JavaScript data types and objects

  • JavaScript math functions

  • JavaScript arrays, array attributes and array splicing

  • Joining and sorting arrays

  • JavaScript conditional statements and comparisons

  • JavaScript Loop (for-in, while, do-while, break and continue)

  • JavaScript functions and events

  • jQuery Selector (ID, Class, Other)

  • jQuery Events, Multiple Event Handler, Hide-Show, Toggle, Feds, Slides

  • jQuery animation

  • jQuery Stop, Callback Functions, Chaining, Dragables, Accordion Menu

  • Get jQuery content, set up content, attach and prepaid

If you are interested in improving your web development skills, look no further – sign up today!

Udemy Coupon: JavaScript and jQuery - Beginner Certification Course with 100% discount for a limited time

Add animated, dynamic, client-side functionality to your web pages using JavaScript and jQuery

This course is free. You will find the coupon below.

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These types of coupons last very few hours, and even minutes after publication.

Due to the Udemy update there are now only 1,000 coupons available, we are not responsible if the coupon has already expired.

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