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Udemy Coupon in English: Microsoft Azure AI-102 Practice Test-2022 with 100% discount for a limited time - Tech Beastz

Udemy Coupon in English: Microsoft Azure AI-102 Practice Test-2022 with 100% discount for a limited time - Tech Beastz

Microsoft Azure AI-102 Practice Test-2022

For the AI-102 exam, candidates need to build, manage, and deploy AI solutions that take advantage of Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search, and the Microsoft Bot Framework.

Candidates for this exam must be proficient in C #, Python or JavaScript, and be able to use REST-based APIs and SDKs to build computer vision, natural language processing, knowledge mining, and conversational AI solutions on Azure. They should also understand the components that make up the Azure AI portfolio and the data storage options available. Also, candidates must be able to understand and apply responsible AI principles.

This test measures your ability to complete the following technical tasks: Plan and manage Azure Cognitive Services solutions; Apply Computer Vision Solutions; Apply natural language processing solutions; Implementing knowledge mining solutions; And implement conversational AI solutions.

  • Plan and manage Azure Cognitive Services solution (15-20%)

  • Apply Computer Vision Solutions (20-25%)

  • Apply natural language processing solutions (20-25%)

  • Apply knowledge mining solution (15-20%)

  • Implement interactive AI solutions (15-20%)

Taught by Scott Duffy, Microsoft Azure’s number one trainer on Udemy.

Microsoft, Windows and Microsoft Azure are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and / or other countries. This course is not accredited, accredited, affiliated or accredited by Microsoft Corporation.

What will you learn?

  • Create, configure, deploy and secure Azure cognitive services

  • Apply Computer Vision Solutions

  • Create and manage Azure cognitive search solutions

  • Build language comprehension with LUIS

Udemy Coupon in English: Microsoft Azure AI-102 Practice Test-2022 with 100% discount for a limited time

Microsoft Azure AI-102 Practice Test-2022

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