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Udemy Coupon: 2022 Full Automation Pitest Course with 100% discount for a limited time - Tech Beastz

Udemy Coupon: 2022 Full Automation Pitest Course with 100% discount for a limited time - Tech Beastz

Learn PyTest by creating real world Python projects and writing test cases

About the course

In the 2021 Full Automation Pitest Course you will be able to learn Pitest from scratch. You will go all the way from a complete Python novice to a professional automation test developer. Pytest incorporates a number of features that make testing easier and smoother. You can write Automated tests, fixtures, built-in plugins and installable libraries.

Pytest is a Python based tool

The use of Python is growing not only in software development but also in data analysis, research, testing and other areas. The growth of Python in many critical areas comes with the desire to keep them properly, efficiently and effectively, software testing is available to ensure that the programs work properly and provide accurate results. In addition, more and more software projects involve continuous integration and an automated test phase because the release cycle is reduced and it is simply impossible to perform manual in-depth testing of increasingly complex projects. Teams need to be able to rely on testing on a continuous integration server to determine if they have sufficient confidence in their software.

What is Pitest?

PyTest is a robust Python testing tool used in all levels of software testing. PyTest is a key component in the work of their university projects from many software development teams, quality assurance teams, independent testing companies and students. Many platforms are now switching from Legacy Unitest to Pitest to test their code. This is because Pytest offers powerful features such as rewrite authentication, third-party attachment models and a powerful but simple device optimization that is unmatched in any other test framework. Pytest is a software testing framework, meaning Pytest is a command line tool that automatically detects the tests you type, runs tests, and reports results. It has a library of extras that you can use to help you test more effectively in your tests. Can be extended to write plug-ins or to install third-party plug-ins. Python can be used to test the distribution. And it integrates easily with other tools such as seamless integration and web automation.

PyTest is based on several other test frameworks:

Simple tests are easy to write in Pytest.

Complex tests are still easy to write.

Tests are easy to read.

Easy to learn

Udemy Coupon: 2022 Full Automation Pitest Course with 100% discount for a limited time

Learn PyTest by creating real world Python projects and writing test cases

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