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Udemy Coupon: 100% discount for limited time on Management, Life and Career Management Skills Assessment Test - Tech Beastz

Udemy Coupon: 100% discount for limited time on Management, Life and Career Management Skills Assessment Test - Tech Beastz

To help you know what and how much you know about these areas to make your career and life better!

Want to know what you know and what you don’t know to do well in life?

Through this course you can learn how good the following knowledge and skills are.

1. How to make the right career choice

2. How to find the right job through networking

3. How to create a great CV / resume

4. How to do well in your interviews

5. Oral communication skills

6. Problem solving skills

7. Mutual skills

8. Business strategy, modeling and planning

9. Create and choose the right business idea

10. Product and brand management

11. Sales excellence

12. Winning Value Proposal Development

13. Excellence in solution design

14. Winning prototype development

15. Interview skills to get the right talent

The six practice tests consist of a 10-question test of each of the above

Practice Test I-Career Management Skills (1-4 above)

Practice Test 2- Life Skills (5-7)

Practice Test 3- Advice, Policy and General Management Information (8-9)

Practice Test 4- Sales and Marketing Information (10-12)

Practice Test 5- Learn Technology Careers (13-14)

Practice Test 6- Finance and Human Resource Information (15)

We will continue to add more information and skills for you to discover how good you are. You will receive an update after you register via Academic Email.

Enjoy and discover what you know and what you don’t. And then learn to do better in life!

Udemy Coupon: 100% discount for limited time on Management, Life and Career Management Skills Assessment Test

To help you know what and how much you know about these areas to make your career and life better! »

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Due to the Udemy update there are now only 1,000 coupons available, we are not responsible if the coupon has already expired.

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