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The University of Michigan offers free Python programming courses for everyone - Tech Beastz

The University of Michigan offers free Python programming courses for everyone - Tech Beastz

Python is a high-level object-oriented programming language that comes primarily with built-in dynamic semantics for web development and applications.

Although comparable to JavaScript, Ruby, etc., the main thing that sets Python programming language apart from others is its simplicity.

The great popularity of the Python programming language depends largely on the unique features it offers.

Starting Python is very easy. It comes with simple setup, easy to understand syntax and many easy applications required in web development. The syntax is relatively simple compared to other languages ​​and various modules can be imported to shorten the code.

There are some great and simple tools available to work with Python code, especially interactive interpreters.

This eliminates the need to learn special text editors, IDEs, or anything else to get started with the Python programming language.

Programming for Everyone (Introduction to Python)

The purpose of this course is to teach everyone the basics of computer programming using Python. We cover the basics of how to create a program from a series of simple Python statements.

The course has no prep and avoids everything except simple math. Anyone with moderate computer experience should master the literature in this course. This course will cover chapters 1-5 of the “Python for Everyone” textbook.

Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take a more advanced programming course. This course includes Python 3.

The University of Michigan offers free Python programming courses for everyone

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Course offered by the University of Michigan

The goal of the University of Michigan is to serve the people of Michigan and the world by creating, communicating, preserving, and utilizing scholarly knowledge, art, and values, and prioritizing the development of leaders and citizens who challenge the present. And enrich the future.

How do I get a course?

This course is offered from the Coursera platform, it is a course that you can get for free in certain conditions.

The first option is to select “Free Certificate Free Course”This way you will be able to access and complete the course content, but you will not be able to get a certificate of completion approved by the platform.

The second option is to choose “Audit Course”, With this option you will be able to access video content of the course, but you will not be able to take the exam or get a certificate of completion. If you do not see the option to audit the course, you should check the bottom using scroll (in the form of a link).

Options vary by course, but with one of the two you will be able to access the content for free.

As if that weren’t enough, some courses have the option of financial aid, through which you can request support and become a borrower of a paid course.

To get the course for free, click on the button below:

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