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Mongodibi English Course - Tech Beastz

Mongodibi English Course - Tech Beastz

Mongodib is the most representative of the database known as NoSQL, Abbreviated for SQL only. We can also call it a document database, because what we store is pure JSON documents and not records, as happens in a relational database table.

NoSQL databases come to occupy a specific plot in existing database solutions. They address both common needs, web applications, mobile apps or the Internet of Things. But it cannot be said that they adapt to all kinds of projects.

In general, we may find the NoSQL database useful when our needs are as follows, known as “3Vs”.

  • Speed. If an application wants to store or access a lot of information in a short period of time, it needs a high speed database. Document databases are able to be much faster than relational databases, able to serve clients who need to perform multiple operations per second.
  • Vol. Regarding the size of the database, if we have too much or too much information, we have a huge need.
  • Variability. Huge requirements for speed and volume are often at hand and often affect current applications. However, there is another feature of the information that is more representative for choosing NoSQL, such as variability.

In any of these situations, databases can offer an ideal solution for projects.

Mongodibi English Course

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  • Total length 1 hour 38 m
  • 5 Modules and 28 Lessons
  • 100% online course

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How do I register for a course?

This course is available on the Codigo Facilito platform. All you have to do is create an account on the website to access it.

Facilito Code courses are 100% on demand online, which means they are recorded and you can start them whenever and however you want.

To access the above courses, just use the links related to each of them.

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