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Heavy rain and high temperature seamlessly connect! Henan has become a "steam furnace" again: after the heavy rain, the temperature rose to 40 ℃

Heavy rain and high temperature seamlessly connect! Henan has become a "steam furnace" again: after the heavy rain, the temperature rose to 40 ℃

After a continuous high temperature of 40°C for about a week, Henan ushered in a large area of ​​heavy rainfall today, including heavy rain or heavy rain in Shangqiu, Xinyang and other places. However, it should be noted that this did not achieve the cooling effect that everyone expected. Instead, it will be a "steam oven". After the rainstorm, the temperature will rise rapidly, and some areas will rise to 40 ℃. According to, yesterday, thunderstorms "hit" Henan, and at around 15:30 in the afternoon, there were obvious thunderstorms in the western region. Around 16:00, the temperature in Zhengzhou, Jiaozuo and other places rushed to 38 ℃, and the humidity was relatively high, making the body feel very hot. The Henan Provincial Meteorological Observatory forecasts that it will be cloudy and cloudy south of the Yellow River during the day, with showers and thunderstorms in most parts. Among them, some counties and cities such as southern Kaifeng, Shangqiu, Zhoukou, eastern Nanyang, Zhumadian and Xinyang will experience moderate to heavy rain, local heavy rain or heavy rain. It is accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds, and ice molds. Tomorrow, showers and thunderstorms in southeastern Henan will stop turning cloudy; other counties and cities will be sunny and cloudy at night, and the whole province will be sunny and cloudy. Among them, the highest temperature in the area north of the Huaihe River can reach 37~39℃, and some counties and cities in the central and western regions can reach above 40℃. tool.
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