Tech Beastz

Extruded Resin FDM Printing (With Laser!)

Extruded Resin FDM Printing (With Laser!)

At the moment, 3D printers are almost everywhere. School, hackerspace, home workshop, you name it. Most of these machines are of the extruded-filament variety, known as FDM or Fused Deposition Modelling. Over the years, inexpensive LCD printers have also brought resin printing to many stores. LCD printers, like their DLP and SLA counterparts, use ultraviolet light to cure the liquid resin. These machines are often praised for the ultra-high detail they can achieve, but they are really slow, And messy - the liquid resin gets everywhere and sticks to everything.

we are not the same [Jón Schone] thinking about proper printing when he Set to convert a classic printer to use resin instead of filamentBut this "can you make FDM printing just as messy as LCD printing?" There should have been something along the lines of.

It turns out that you can. His extremely well-documented research process is shown in the video below, and shows off his design process, from initial idea to almost a little working prototype. As you might expect, extracting and laser-curing a high-viscosity liquid at a controlled rate is not an easy task, but [Jón] Great effort made. From designing and building his own peristaltic pump, to sending a UV laser through a fiber-optic cable, he discovered a ton of different ways to get the printer working. While he may not have been 100% successful, the video is a great reminder that not all projects have to go the way we hope. Still, he's optimistic, and said he has some ideas for refining the design (and welcomes any input from the community). it's not even alone The New and Interesting Approach to Resin Printing We've Seen Over the Last Few Weeksso we share [Jón]I have optimism that the FDM resin printer will work (someday, at least).

thanks for doing [Baldpower] for the tip!


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