Tech Beastz

Cities: Skylines has sold 12 million

Cities: Skylines has sold 12 million

SimCity spins in its grave.

City skyline Released in 2015 and quickly earned the title "Sim City Killer". Not fair because how can you kill someone who is already dead...?Two years ago, ten years of waiting, we rebooted SimCityIt didn't go well at all, and the legendary Maxis Emeryville studio was blocked again.

Excellent. That's not the reason we're here today, but the reason is more interesting than that. City skyline Closing a hole and healing wounds at launch, the Finnish Order of Giants has recorded a staggering 12 million game sales seven years after its release. In other words, the game continues to sell well year after year, which is probably why the pure sequel shines in its absence.

And you can't say the team is on the lazy side. For example, earlier this year, we received the VR version.

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